The Kuchibhotla lab is always interested in hearing from inquisitive and highly motivated individuals to investigate the neural basis of learning and identify novel means of addressing devastating cognitive and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and autism. We encourage under-represented minorities to reach out to find out about potential opportunities.
Graduate students form the backbone of the lab and can expect strong and individualized mentorship if they join. Photo from Neuro Retreat 2019 at Janelia Research Campus after the graduate student skit.
graduate students
Students who wish to take part in Johns Hopkin's thriving neuroscience research community are highly encouraged to reach out to Kishore and apply in the fall to Psychological and Brain Science graduate program. The lab also takes graduate students from other graduate programs including the Neuroscience program. Graduate students currently enrolled in a graduate program at JHU or JHU School of Medicine should reach out to Kishore ( to discuss the possibility of rotating in the lab.
postdoctoral fellows
Candidates with an excellent record of research achievements and expertise in electrophysiology, two-photon imaging, behavior and/or computational neuroscience are especially encouraged to apply. With that said, methods are less important than drive and interest so do not hesitate to contact me if you are very interested in our work but do not have the aforementioned expertise. Please email Kishore directly ( with a brief introduction, CV and the names and contact information of three references.
Postdoctoral fellows bring their own unique scientific backgrounds to the lab. Creating a strong community both within and outside the lab is important.
research staff
The lab is looking to recruit a full-time research technician / lab manager with a range of experimental (80%) and lab management (20%) responsibilities. The start date could be as early as January 2022 with an ideal start date of May/June 2022. Individuals interested in a full-time research position are encouraged to contact Kishore directly (